Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Last Term

Last term our topic was 'Globalisation'. We learnt lots about " how we are children of the world". We found places in New Zealand we have visited on the map and we found countries on a world map and on the Globe. Hopefully we all learnt we are part of a much larger world than our immediate Fitzroy environment and we are influenced in so many ways by the rest of the world.  It was great to have so many bits and pieces arrive at school that have come from other parts of the world.

The New Term

We have started the term with a hiss and a roar! We all arrived at school full of excitement and lots of stories to tell.
We made Gingerbread Men last week. After we decorated them we enjoyed eating them! This was part of a 'burst' we are having on Fairy Tales in conjunction with the school library topic (check out the beautiful display in the Library). It is amazing how few children have heard these old favourites. 
We are just beginning a new topic in class about 'Long Ago When...'. We will concentrate mainly on changes in transport over time and will have a new display on the wall soon which we will share on this blog.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome to our new blog in Room 4

We are so pleased to be sharing our class activities with you by using our new blog ......watch this space!!!